Harvest Profit

CircleCI codecov

You can find the documentation here


You will need an NPM access token to access this repo.

Simply run the following to install:

yarn add @harvest-profit/model-helpers


To use this package, just give it a try!

import { Contract } from '@harvest-profit/model-helpers';

const contractUrl = Contract.translateContractTypeToName('hedge_to_arrive');
console.log(contractUrl); // Outputs: `Hedge To Arrive`

Additional Notes

You should NEVER be checking what type the contract is, or setting the contract type without using the module defined types. Example:

// Example of BAD
if (contract.type_name === 'cashsale') {
   // ... do something
// Example of GOOD
if (Contract.isCashSaleType(contract.type_name)) {
   // ... do something


Clone this repo, and begin committing changes. PRs are preferred over committing directly to master.

To run tests locally on your machine, run the following:

yarn run test

To preview documentation locally on your machine, run the following:

yarn run build-docs

After merging your pull request, consider updating the documentation with the following command:

yarn run publish-docs


This package is published as a Private NPM Module.

To publish to the private NPM registry, simply run the following, after bumping the package.json version:

# Publish using Yarn
yarn publish

# Or publish using NPM
npm publish


Copyright 2017-Present Harvest Profit. This repo contains private code. No copying or external use permitted.